11 STATES! 36 Reports- likely more widely seen- updates pending
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MBIQ Detects VA SC NC OH TN MD PA WV IN KY GA Meteorite 03NOV2014
v.7 c 2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth |
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03NOV2014 Kevin Tega Cay 6:20PM/EST 3 United States Orange to Bright Green Moon Some. Looked like fireworks. In the North sky, from west to north
03NOV2014 Sayuri S. Burke,VA 18:20:00 >2seconds West Green Moon Yes. At the end, exploded Very bright, falling straight down (from my perspective), saw a trace of burning at the end
2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
MBIQ Data Set-
Westfield, North Carolina
Mooresville, North Carolina
Leesburg, Virginia
Fort Mill, South Carolina
Statesville, North Carolina
Soddy Daisy, Tennessee arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News- TN GA NC KY Meteor/s 28SEP2013" by searching for meteorite local sighting Chattanooga Tennessee.
08:50:12 -- 12 minutes ago
High Point, North Carolina arrived from bing.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for METEORITE FALLING IN NC TONIGHT.
08:57:41 -- 1 minute ago
08:57:41 -- 1 minute ago
Westfield, North Carolina
Mooresville, North Carolina
Leesburg, Virginia
Fort Mill, South Carolina
Statesville, North Carolina
Soddy Daisy, Tennessee arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News- TN GA NC KY Meteor/s 28SEP2013" by searching for meteorite local sighting Chattanooga Tennessee.
08:50:12 -- 12 minutes ago
2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!