MBIQ Indicates Arizona California Meteor 17APR2013 - Confirmed
We need your confirmation. If you witnessed this meteor event please file a meteor sighting report; thank you.
Confirmation - Initial Sighting Reports-
17APR2013 Nick Nicholson Phoenix, AZ USA 2204 PDT 6 sec North to South Bright white, orange at end, no sound Bright as the moon No fragmentation Very fast, bright trail. Winked in and out a few times (orange coloration there), then went out with a "flashbulb" like flash.
17APR2013 Mandy Los Angeles, CA USA 22:00 PDT maybe less than 10 secs was headed in between skyscrapers downtown ..I am northwest of downtown L.A., facing southwest bright greenish white bright as the sun no fragmentation, just a big fireball Did anyone else see it?
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen-
MBIQ Data Set-
Phoenix, Arizona arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Phoenix, Arizona Fireball Meteor 12FEB2013" by searching for phoenix meteor.
14:16:51 -- 33 minutes ago
Hereford, Arizona arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for huge blue green fireball in sky.
14:24:24 -- 26 minutes ago
Phoenix, Arizona arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor over flagstaff april 17 2013.
14:38:15 -- 13 minutes ago
Phoenix, Arizona arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Phoenix, Arizona Fireball Meteor 12FEB2013" by searching for phoenix meteor.
14:16:51 -- 33 minutes ago
MBIQ Meteor Bot Internet Query bot uses Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence to detect meteor activity worldwide. (c) 2009-2020 Dirk Ross, Tokyo, Japan
18 Apr 2013
MBIQ Detects Romania / Hungary / Poland Meteor 16/17APR2013
MBIQ Detects Romania / Hungary / Poland Meteor 16/17APR2013 - Confirmed
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"Click on image to enlarge." MBIQ Detects Romania / Hungary / Poland Meteor 16/17APR2013 v.2 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth |
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen-
MBIQ Data Set-
Arad, Romania arrived from google.ro on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Miyakejima, Japan Earthquake MAG 6.2 17'57 JST17APR2013" by searching for 17 aprilie2013 meteorit.
21:28:35 -- 7 minutes ago
Budapest, Hungary arrived from google.hu on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor above hungary 16 april.
18:05:52 -- 41 minutes ago
Katowice, Slaskie, Poland arrived from google.pl on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Osaka, Japan Meteor - Odd Light-Emisson 16APR2013 珍しい発光の流星" by searching for 16.04.2013 meteor.
23:13:52 -- 2 minutes ago
13 Apr 2013
MBIQ Detects Texas Fireball Meteor 13APR2013
MBIQ Detects Texas Fireball Meteor 13APR2013 - Confirmed
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
13APR2013 Stacy Plaisance Sugar Land, Texas 21:02 Central 4 sec E-W Gold,orange,white Moon Yes Streaking red/ orange behind gold/white shape that looked a bit like a tooth lying sideways
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen-
MBIQ Data Set-
Austin, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for huge fireball in austin 4/13/13.
13:28:31 -- 3 minutes ago
Richmond, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite sighting today april 13, 2013.
13:35:51 -- 6 minutes ago
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
13APR2013 Stacy Plaisance Sugar Land, Texas 21:02 Central 4 sec E-W Gold,orange,white Moon Yes Streaking red/ orange behind gold/white shape that looked a bit like a tooth lying sideways
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen-
MBIQ Data Set-
Austin, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for huge fireball in austin 4/13/13.
13:28:31 -- 3 minutes ago
Richmond, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite sighting today april 13, 2013.
13:35:51 -- 6 minutes ago
MBIQ Detects VA NJ MD Meteor 13APR2013
MBIQ Detects VA NJ MD Meteor 13APR2013 - Confirmed
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen-
MBIQ Data Set-
Chesapeake, Virginia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: California Nevada Bolide Fireball Meteor 21FEB2013" by searching for green meteor 10:30 pm virginia april 13.
12:58:59 -- 21 minutes ago
Virginia Beach, Virginia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 13APR2013" by searching for fireball va april 13 2013.
12:41:55 -- 40 minutes ago
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen-
MBIQ Data Set-
Chesapeake, Virginia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: California Nevada Bolide Fireball Meteor 21FEB2013" by searching for green meteor 10:30 pm virginia april 13.
12:58:59 -- 21 minutes ago
Virginia Beach, Virginia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 13APR2013" by searching for fireball va april 13 2013.
12:41:55 -- 40 minutes ago
11 Apr 2013
MBIQ Detects Arizona /Nevada / California Meteor 10APR2013
MBIQ Detects Arizona / Navada / California Meteor 10APR2013 - Confirmed
Initial Sighting Reports-
10APR2013 shataisa gomez Arizona city, Arizona, usa 10:30pm MST 7 seconds facing north east. meteor going south West bright blue, no sound. brighter than Venus one whole large fragment two times the size of a shooting star
10APR2013 Moser Phoenix, AZ 930 pm Arizona 7 sec. it was a fast one and covered around 120 degrees of the sky from east to west East to West Blue nucleus with white trail the whole way. No sound moon. no fragmentation non
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen-
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.
MBIQ Data Sample-
Other - data from CA, NV.
Phoenix, Arizona arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for april 10 shooting star in phoenix today.
15:46:41 -- 1 hour 30 mins ago
Phoenix, Arizona arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sightings today.
16:04:46 -- 1 hour 12 mins ago
Initial Sighting Reports-
10APR2013 shataisa gomez Arizona city, Arizona, usa 10:30pm MST 7 seconds facing north east. meteor going south West bright blue, no sound. brighter than Venus one whole large fragment two times the size of a shooting star
10APR2013 Moser Phoenix, AZ 930 pm Arizona 7 sec. it was a fast one and covered around 120 degrees of the sky from east to west East to West Blue nucleus with white trail the whole way. No sound moon. no fragmentation non
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen-
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.
MBIQ Data Sample-
Other - data from CA, NV.
Phoenix, Arizona arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for april 10 shooting star in phoenix today.
15:46:41 -- 1 hour 30 mins ago
Phoenix, Arizona arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sightings today.
16:04:46 -- 1 hour 12 mins ago
10 Apr 2013
MBIQ Detects NC Meteor 10APR2013
MBIQ Detects NC Meteor 1945 EST 10APR2013 - Confirmed
Updates pending sighting reports; if you witnessed this event please file a meteor sighting report on this website; thank you!
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
10APR2013 Morgan Durham,NC 1945 EST 2-3 seconds Facing South-South-West No sound--orange color. Brighter than Venus---would be visable in daylight. No Twighlight at time of event---appeared to be coming straigt down.
10APR2013 Erland Stevens Davidson, NC USA 19:45 EST 2 seconds facing east, only a small patch of clear sky was visible and it filled that patch white flashes, no sound during daylight, brighter than Venus at night flashing looking east, about 30 angle up
11 Reports
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-
MBIQ Sampled Data-
Wilson, North Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for shooting star reports .08:59:32 -- 50 minutes ago
Durham, North Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 10APR2013" by searching for nc meteor 4/10/13.
09:31:13 -- 19 minutes ago
Durham, North Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball north carolina 2013 april 10 today.
09:38:14 -- 12 minutes ago
Updates pending sighting reports; if you witnessed this event please file a meteor sighting report on this website; thank you!
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
10APR2013 Morgan Durham,NC 1945 EST 2-3 seconds Facing South-South-West No sound--orange color. Brighter than Venus---would be visable in daylight. No Twighlight at time of event---appeared to be coming straigt down.
10APR2013 Erland Stevens Davidson, NC USA 19:45 EST 2 seconds facing east, only a small patch of clear sky was visible and it filled that patch white flashes, no sound during daylight, brighter than Venus at night flashing looking east, about 30 angle up
11 Reports
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-
MBIQ Sampled Data-
Wilson, North Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for shooting star reports .08:59:32 -- 50 minutes ago
Durham, North Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 10APR2013" by searching for nc meteor 4/10/13.
09:31:13 -- 19 minutes ago
Durham, North Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball north carolina 2013 april 10 today.
09:38:14 -- 12 minutes ago
8 Apr 2013
MBIQ Detects TN GA KY OH AL Meteors 08APR2013
MBIQ Detects TN GA KY OH AL NC Fireball Meteors 08APR2013 - Confirmed
Please we need more reports!
If you witnessed this meteor event please file a meteor sighting report; thank you.
Initial Sighting Reports-At least Two events-
08APR2013 bob Fines creek, NC, US 0535/EDT 2/3/2013 sw-ne bright green between venus/moon no very brilliant green
08APR2013 Maggie G. Atlanta, GA USA 530 3 sec. W-E Bright Green Moon no NA
08APR2013 Rob Tuscumbia, AL, USA 04:10 Central time Approximately 4 to 5 seconds Traveled North or Nort-Northeast, I was facing East Green, no sound, no trail Bright enough that it illuminated trees between me and the meteor None observed Brightest shooting star I have ever seen, it was also slower moving and I did not see a trail
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen-
MBIQ Sampled Data-
Oak Ridge, Tennessee arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: FL NC GA Meteor 08NOV2012" by searching for meteor spotted in ga.
22:17:29 -- 49 minutes ago
Mcdonough, Georgia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: North Georgia Fireball Meteor - 07MAR2012 22:19:10 EST" by searching for meteor over north georgia.
22:28:10 -- 39 minutes ago
Chattanooga, Tennessee arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sighting tennessee april 8 2013.
22:29:12 -- 39 minutes ago
Mount Sterling, Kentucky arrived from ask.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News- -CA Fireball Meteor 17OCT2012" by searching for was any reports of something falling from sky 5:10 am central kentucky.
22:44:40 -- 24 minutes ago
Cincinnati, Ohio arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball ohio april 8, 2013.
23:15:48 -- 5 minutes ago
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
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"click on image to enlarge" Fines creek, NC, US Fireball Meteor 08APR2013 v.1 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth |
If you witnessed this meteor event please file a meteor sighting report; thank you.
Initial Sighting Reports-At least Two events-
08APR2013 bob Fines creek, NC, US 0535/EDT 2/3/2013 sw-ne bright green between venus/moon no very brilliant green
08APR2013 Maggie G. Atlanta, GA USA 530 3 sec. W-E Bright Green Moon no NA
08APR2013 Rob Tuscumbia, AL, USA 04:10 Central time Approximately 4 to 5 seconds Traveled North or Nort-Northeast, I was facing East Green, no sound, no trail Bright enough that it illuminated trees between me and the meteor None observed Brightest shooting star I have ever seen, it was also slower moving and I did not see a trail
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen-
MBIQ Sampled Data-
Oak Ridge, Tennessee arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: FL NC GA Meteor 08NOV2012" by searching for meteor spotted in ga.
22:17:29 -- 49 minutes ago
Mcdonough, Georgia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: North Georgia Fireball Meteor - 07MAR2012 22:19:10 EST" by searching for meteor over north georgia.
22:28:10 -- 39 minutes ago
Chattanooga, Tennessee arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sighting tennessee april 8 2013.
22:29:12 -- 39 minutes ago
Mount Sterling, Kentucky arrived from ask.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News- -CA Fireball Meteor 17OCT2012" by searching for was any reports of something falling from sky 5:10 am central kentucky.
22:44:40 -- 24 minutes ago
Cincinnati, Ohio arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball ohio april 8, 2013.
23:15:48 -- 5 minutes ago
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
3 Apr 2013
MBIQ Detects Denmark Meteor 03APR2013
MBIQ Detects Denmark Meteor 5:22 AM CET 03APR2013 - Confirmed
If you witnessed this meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this website; thank you-
If you witnessed this meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this website; thank you-
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
03APR2013 Leif Nielsen Lysabild, Denmark 5:22 AM CET 1-2 seconds Traveling E, I was facing ENE Whitish green - No sound/traveling in car! As moon, but smaller No fragmentation Hard to estimate distance, could be far since it was a quite clear morning sky!
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen-
MBIQ Data Sample-
Europe arrived from google.dk on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteornedslag 3-4-2013.
16:02:33 -- 1 hour 3 mins ago
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
03APR2013 Leif Nielsen Lysabild, Denmark 5:22 AM CET 1-2 seconds Traveling E, I was facing ENE Whitish green - No sound/traveling in car! As moon, but smaller No fragmentation Hard to estimate distance, could be far since it was a quite clear morning sky!
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen-
MBIQ Data Sample-
Europe arrived from google.dk on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteornedslag 3-4-2013.
16:02:33 -- 1 hour 3 mins ago
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
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