MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Bot has just detect a meteor event over the UK 29SEP2012.
We need your sighting reports to confirm. Thank you., Please file a meteor/fireball sighting report. Click here to report a meteor / fireball
MBIQ Data:
United Kingdom arrived from google.co.uk on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: September 2012" by searching for meteor 29 september 2012.
07:10:22 -- 3 minutes ago
Coventry arrived from google.co.uk on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor seen in the oxford skys 29th september 2012.
07:10:31 -- 3 minutes ago
Bristol arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for shooting star tonight 29 september.
06:48:41 -- 26 minutes ago
2012 THE Year of Meteors!
MBIQ Meteor Bot Internet Query bot uses Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence to detect meteor activity worldwide. (c) 2009-2020 Dirk Ross, Tokyo, Japan
30 Sept 2012
21 Sept 2012
MBIQ Detects MA NJ NH MD DC RI Fireball Meteor 20SEP2012
MBIQ Detects MA NJ NH MD DC RI Fireball Meteor ~22:40 20SEP2012
This event MAY have produced a meteorite according to (unpublished) sampled data set. Indications are that this was a bright long duration event.
(Meteor Report Form- click here to report a meteor / fireball)
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The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Fireball Reports:
Initial Reports:
20SEP2012 PKelly Auburn, nh, USA 22:40:00 2sec N-E Brite white and orange bright firework like Yes Twin tails
20SEP2012 Todd James Portsmouth, RI, USA 2245 EST 4 to 5 seconds South to North Initially white, turned orange, then turned greenish-blue as it got low on horizon Like a flare but definately not a flare. Yes, from the "ball" itself. The tail was approximately 5 times longer than the ball itself. The tail remained a bright white even though the ball changed color. Was definately not the typical "shooting star".
Massachusetts fireball
My wife and daughter just got home. About 15 minutes ago, around 0230
UTC, while driving to the north on a road aligned north/south, they
saw an extremely bright fireball pass overhead from south to north,
disappearing below the northern horizon in front of them. They
described is as bright white, brighter than a full moon, large in
appearance, leaving what appeared to be a smoke trail. The
observation was made at approximately 71 deg 10.5 min W 42 deg 6 min
N. They perceived the light from behind them before sighting the
meteor as it passed overhead. It was moving somewhat slowly. Duration
of the passage was approximately 15 seconds.
It would likely have also been visible in New Hampshire.
Massachusetts fireball
My wife and daughter just got home. About 15 minutes ago, around 0230
UTC, while driving to the north on a road aligned north/south, they
saw an extremely bright fireball pass overhead from south to north,
disappearing below the northern horizon in front of them. They
described is as bright white, brighter than a full moon, large in
appearance, leaving what appeared to be a smoke trail. The
observation was made at approximately 71 deg 10.5 min W 42 deg 6 min
N. They perceived the light from behind them before sighting the
meteor as it passed overhead. It was moving somewhat slowly. Duration
of the passage was approximately 15 seconds.
It would likely have also been visible in New Hampshire.
Richard Kramer - posted on meteorobs list
Thank you Richard for your fine report!
Thank you Richard for your fine report!
All meteor sighting reports can be found here:
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Fireball Reports:
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Fireball Reports:
Other event ~ 01:00 20SEP2012
20SEP2012 Charles Vartanian Jefferson Township, NJ 1:04 AM EST 4 seconds I was facing northwest. It appeared to be slowly dropping or moving direcly down and away. Direction the fireball or meteor was travellingh was probably northwest. Bright white with a bit of other color. No sound heard but we experienced a brief power outage about 30 seconds after I saw it. 8 times Venus brightness. Yes. I think it was heading away towards the northwest but falling rapidlly till below the horizon.
MBIQ Partial Sampled Data:
Walpole, Massachusetts arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for i think i saw a shooting star tonight 9/20/2012.
11:56:05 -- 51 minutes ago
Basking Ridge, New Jersey arrived from search.yahoo.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Nashua, NH Meteor? 24NOV2011" by searching for meteor nh.
12:10:15 -- 38 minutes ago
Bedford, New Hampshire arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: New Hampshire Fireball 13?APR2010" by searching for meteor strike nh.
12:21:49 -- 27 minutes ago
Bel Air, Maryland arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball in the sky september 2012.
12:32:07 -- 17 minutes ago
Clifton, New Jersey arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor over new jersey.
12:37:00 -- 12 minutes ago
2012 THE Year of Meteors!
17 Sept 2012
MBIQ Detects California Meteor 16SEP2012
MBIQ Detects California Meteor ~10:45 PDT 16SEPE2012
Meteor Bot Internet Query (MBIQ) Bot has just detected a meteor fireball event over California at approximately 10:45 pm 16SEP2012.
If you witnessed this event please file a sighting report. Thank you!
LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo, Japan
(Meteor Report Form- click here to report a meteor / fireball)
Help support this website by posting a link on G+, StumbleOn, Facebook, twitter, youtube or your favorite forum OR contact your local news and tell them about this site;: thank you! This is a FREE site, please help keep it that way.
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Fireball Reports:
Initial Sighting Reports:
16SEP2012 steven fremont, california usa 2229 pacific time 2 seconds headed north before dissapearing into horizon blue with white trail blue/white it had a tail, it was bright blue, i seen it fly, my view was slightly block by a tree but i still see the light shining through. hope u guys find it
16SEP2012 Sana San Jose, CA pacific left to right red-blue-greenish VERY bright ? This was the largest thing I have seen in the sky in my whole 27 years on this planet.
16SEP2012 Jennifer B Paso Robles, California USA 22:39:00 6 seconds North White, many small ones behind it extremely bright, like full moon yes best one I have ever seen
16SEP2012 Steph San Jose, California, USA 22:35 PDT 5-7 sec Travelling North/NNE out of the South/SSW Bright white, with orange/red "sparks" on the rear edges Venus brightness, but much larger Only "sparks" falling off "Comet" shaped, white fireball followed by white tail with orange/red sparks/fragments
16SEP2012 Jodi Hernandez Fairfield, CA 10:30 PST 10 seconds West Reddish orange bright as the sun toward the end appeared to break up it looked like a huge fireball. 100 times largest than a shooting star
16SEP2012 Eric Folsom, CA 22:30:00 3 SW bright fire colored with fragments torch like white/red yes! from folsom - strted very high and made it almost to the ground level before going out
16SEP2012 Howie Nave South Lake Tahoe, CA 22:40 PST approx 10=15 sec from left to right facing west Bright white flaring out into 5 bright blue streaks Bright as the moon solid white until just before it flared out 5 bright blue streaks Appeared to be a meteor but was huge in diameter!
16SEP2012 Rick Lambert Half Moon Bay, CA 22:45:00 5 sec East Blue/White. Single loud sonic boom followed approx. 10 min later. Moon N/A Saw several flashes in the sky off the coast, two decent flashes followed by a bright one that lit half the sky. About 10 min. later, a sharp sonic boom was heard from the same direction.
For all sighting reports see:
MBIQ Data:
Fremont, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for i saw a blue shooting star.
14:37:04 -- 30 minutes ago
Penn Valley, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sightings in western sky september 16.
14:38:05 -- 30 minutes ago
Fairfield, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sighting.
14:43:09 -- 25 minutes ago
Paso Robles, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 12MAR2012" by searching for shooting star paso robles.
14:46:58 -- 21 minutes ago
Santa Rosa, California arrived from search.yahoo.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: May 2009" by searching for meteor entering northern hemisphere seen at 10:35pm from santa rosa ca.
14:49:39 -- 19 minutes ago
Elk Grove, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor tonight september 2012.
14:52:59 -- 16 minutes ago
South Lake Tahoe, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for Meteorite in the CA sky/Sept 2012.
14:55:12 -- 14 minutes ago
Oakland, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball in sky today.
14:59:40 -- 10 minutes ago
Palmdale, California arrived from bing.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor falls on california 9/16/2012 10:45.
15:00:25 -- 9 minutes ago
Palo Alto, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor shower september 2012.
15:03:27 -- 6 minutes ago
Hayward, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for flash in sky tonight.
15:05:12 -- 5 minutes ago
2012 THE Year of Meteors!
Meteor Bot Internet Query (MBIQ) Bot has just detected a meteor fireball event over California at approximately 10:45 pm 16SEP2012.
![]() |
(click on image to enlarge) California Meteor 16SEP2012 ~22:45 PDT Sighting Reports w/ Sonic Report v.1 (c) LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth All Rights Reserved |
LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo, Japan
(Meteor Report Form- click here to report a meteor / fireball)
Help support this website by posting a link on G+, StumbleOn, Facebook, twitter, youtube or your favorite forum OR contact your local news and tell them about this site;: thank you! This is a FREE site, please help keep it that way.
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Fireball Reports:
Initial Sighting Reports:
16SEP2012 steven fremont, california usa 2229 pacific time 2 seconds headed north before dissapearing into horizon blue with white trail blue/white it had a tail, it was bright blue, i seen it fly, my view was slightly block by a tree but i still see the light shining through. hope u guys find it
16SEP2012 Sana San Jose, CA pacific left to right red-blue-greenish VERY bright ? This was the largest thing I have seen in the sky in my whole 27 years on this planet.
16SEP2012 Jennifer B Paso Robles, California USA 22:39:00 6 seconds North White, many small ones behind it extremely bright, like full moon yes best one I have ever seen
16SEP2012 Steph San Jose, California, USA 22:35 PDT 5-7 sec Travelling North/NNE out of the South/SSW Bright white, with orange/red "sparks" on the rear edges Venus brightness, but much larger Only "sparks" falling off "Comet" shaped, white fireball followed by white tail with orange/red sparks/fragments
16SEP2012 Jodi Hernandez Fairfield, CA 10:30 PST 10 seconds West Reddish orange bright as the sun toward the end appeared to break up it looked like a huge fireball. 100 times largest than a shooting star
16SEP2012 Eric Folsom, CA 22:30:00 3 SW bright fire colored with fragments torch like white/red yes! from folsom - strted very high and made it almost to the ground level before going out
16SEP2012 Howie Nave South Lake Tahoe, CA 22:40 PST approx 10=15 sec from left to right facing west Bright white flaring out into 5 bright blue streaks Bright as the moon solid white until just before it flared out 5 bright blue streaks Appeared to be a meteor but was huge in diameter!
16SEP2012 Rick Lambert Half Moon Bay, CA 22:45:00 5 sec East Blue/White. Single loud sonic boom followed approx. 10 min later. Moon N/A Saw several flashes in the sky off the coast, two decent flashes followed by a bright one that lit half the sky. About 10 min. later, a sharp sonic boom was heard from the same direction.
For all sighting reports see:
MBIQ Data:
Fremont, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for i saw a blue shooting star.
14:37:04 -- 30 minutes ago
Penn Valley, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sightings in western sky september 16.
14:38:05 -- 30 minutes ago
Fairfield, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sighting.
14:43:09 -- 25 minutes ago
Paso Robles, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 12MAR2012" by searching for shooting star paso robles.
14:46:58 -- 21 minutes ago
Santa Rosa, California arrived from search.yahoo.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: May 2009" by searching for meteor entering northern hemisphere seen at 10:35pm from santa rosa ca.
14:49:39 -- 19 minutes ago
Elk Grove, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor tonight september 2012.
14:52:59 -- 16 minutes ago
South Lake Tahoe, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for Meteorite in the CA sky/Sept 2012.
14:55:12 -- 14 minutes ago
Oakland, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball in sky today.
14:59:40 -- 10 minutes ago
Palmdale, California arrived from bing.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor falls on california 9/16/2012 10:45.
15:00:25 -- 9 minutes ago
Palo Alto, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor shower september 2012.
15:03:27 -- 6 minutes ago
Hayward, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for flash in sky tonight.
15:05:12 -- 5 minutes ago
2012 THE Year of Meteors!
15 Sept 2012
MBIQ Detects MN SD IA NE IL Fireball Meteor 14SEP2012
MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Bot Detects
MN SD IA NE IL Fireball Meteor ~21:00 CDT 14SEP2012
If you witnessed this event please file a sighting report. Thank you!
(Meteor Report Form- click here to report a meteor / fireball)
Help support this website by posting a link on G+, StumbleOn, Facebook, twitter, youtube or your favorite forum OR contact your local news and tell them about this site;: thank you! This is a FREE site, please help keep it that way.
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Fireball Reports:
14SEP2012 Meg Chaska, MN, USA 20:50 CST 5-8 seconds EW, facing west White, no sound Very bright, balled at front with trailing tail Appeared to degrade physically as light did; seemed to fragment Saw object as I was driving west. Object moving at a very rapid speed, and was extremely close to ground. Did not see any fireworks in the area at the time. Appeared to be a bright fireball with a tail, within a few seconds of sighting, I could tell it was "breaking apart" based on movement of light.
14SEP2012 Michael Medina, MN 21:10 CST 5 seconds E-W Green with White Corona same as moon Yes, orange sparks None
14SEP2012 jack sergeant bluff iowa usa 21:20:00 10 sec start e end se blueist white moon hard to tell none
14SEP2012 Mike marrs Waconia mn 9pm cst 5 sec Sw view going left to right Green Sun Yes Long lasting green fireball
For All sighting reports see:
MBIQ Data:
Saint Paul, Minnesota arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for shooting star sighting minnesota.
11:08:48 -- 6 minutes ago
Champlin, Minnesota arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor in minnesota september 14 2012.
11:09:53 -- 6 minutes ago
Minneapolis, Minnesota arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for green shooting star.
11:10:58 -- 5 minutes ago
Saint Cloud, Minnesota arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for did any one see the falling star 9/14/2012?.
11:11:19 -- 5 minutes ago
Erskine, Minnesota arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor falling september 14 2012.
11:11:38 -- 5 minutes ago
Sioux Falls, South Dakota arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor minnesota sept 14 2012.
11:14:40 -- 2 minutes ago
Minnetonka, Minnesota arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for massive shooting star.
11:17:06 -- 5 minutes ago
Arlington Heights, Illinois arrived from search.yahoo.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor over chicago september 14, 2012.
11:18:25 -- 3 minutes ago
2012 THE Year of Meteors!
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