Breaking News -MBIQ Detects - Approx. 0415 EDT / 0515 AST NB NS ME Meteor 19MAR2014
Report your meteor sightings please-
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Initial Meteor Sighting Report-
19MAR2014 JAMIE Memramcook, NB, canada 530am 15 Traveling east: left hand side Fireball that broke into pieces Moon Yes Fireball falling from sky then broke up into pieces
19MAR2014 PAUL WALSH DARTMOUTH, NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA 05:16 AM AST 3 Sec LEFT TO RIGHT DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. I WAS FACING 21 DEGREES N-NW YELLOWISH WHITE FIREBALL Between Mars and Venus' brightness 2-3 YELLOW-ORANGE FRAGMENTS Viewed through windshield of parked vehicle. Checked bearing using iPhone compass. About 1.5 degrees long. Burnt out in the sky (didn't reach horizon). About 15 degrees elevation from level (Not 15 degrees above hilly terrain)
19MAR2014 michelle st john plantation, maine 4:17:00 EDT 2-4 seconds eastern sky right to left orange fireball brighter than a full moon not really so amazing to see
MBIQ Data Set-
Madawaska, Maine arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for were there another meteor sightings over northern maine at 4:17 this morning.
18:30:42 -- 43 minutes ago
18:30:42 -- 43 minutes ago
All meteor sighting reports can be seen here
2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!