MBIQ Detects MD VA Meteor 25MAY2013
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.
Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum. http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/
MBIQ Data Set-
Suffolk, Virginia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching fororange fireball in the sky virginia may 25 2013.
11:35:49 -- 2 minutes ago
Germantown, Maryland arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for big meteor may 25.
11:22:30 -- 16 minutes ago
MBIQ Meteor Bot Internet Query bot uses Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence to detect meteor activity worldwide. (c) 2009-2020 Dirk Ross, Tokyo, Japan
25 May 2013
MBIQ Detects Doha Meteor 25MAY2013
MBIQ Detects Doha Meteor 25MAY2013
MBIQ Data Set-
Doha, Ad Dawhah arrived from google.com.qa on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor 5/25/2013.
Doha, Ad Dawhah arrived from google.com.qa on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for bright light in the sky yesterday.
06:37:03 -- 15 minutes ago
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.
Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum. http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/
Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum. http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/
MBIQ Data Set-
Doha, Ad Dawhah arrived from google.com.qa on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor 5/25/2013.
Doha, Ad Dawhah arrived from google.com.qa on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for bright light in the sky yesterday.
06:37:03 -- 15 minutes ago
23 May 2013
MBIQ Detects Saskatchewan / Manitoba Canada Meteor 23MAY2013
MBIQ Detects Saskatchewan / Manitoba Canada Meteor 23MAY2013
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.
Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum. http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
23MAY2013 John Rochester Hills, MI, USA 23:25EST About 8 seconds United States Large white streak headed in southbound direction from where I was standing. Bright white with a long tail, too large/close to be a shooting star. About the same as moon, perhaps a little brighter. Not that I could tell - just a long tail. Had a long tail, hung in the sky for about 8 seconds before disappearing from my vantage point.
23MAY2013 Diane Rourke Boissevain mb 11:53 pm central 15 sec From west to north east Res fireball with yellowish white bright light Very bright Not visibly Bright, lasted a long time, amazing
23MAY2013 Charity Woods Grandview,Manitoba, Canada 23:50:00 Im not sure at least 20 seconds i lost site of it becuse of trees in the way appeared to be going west to east I was facing west white. no sound looked like a huge ball of fire I thought a plane was going down brighter then the moon, it is a full moon tonight yes no photo, it looked huge, and amazing
23MAY2013 CK Yorkton,Saskatchewan Canada 2250hrs 30 sec. in clear sky WOW SW to NE travel Orange with long tail bright and large best meteor we've ever seen! very bright orange fire ball yes sparks from tail Best ever stellar event!
23MAY2013 Christi Fallows and Cameron Morrison NE of Yorkton, SK, Canada 22:51 central standard approx 10 to 15 seconds Facing N, travelled from west to east...compared to a clock face it would have started at 10 and ended at 3 bright red/orange glow, circle shaped in the front,with a long orange tail with a smokey looking trail behind it, no sound heard bright as a harvest moon couldn't tell no photo, seemed to disappear behind the clouds but was still visible, waited outside for a couple minutes but didn't hear or see anything else
23MAY2013 Carrie T Wadena, SK 22:50 central approximately 10 seconds. We were facing east in the sky. The meteor flew NE in the sky, right to left. No sound, however bright orange tail. As it seemed to get closer in the sky, I could actually see it break and flare up again as it got lower into the atmosphere. As bright as an orange flame in the sky. Yes, definitely a fair size chunk broke off. Almost looked like something was burning in the sky but wasn't moving as fast as other meteors you normally see off in the distance. Was very bright orange and left a fairly long tail behind it. Broke off a bit and continued on north east. Not sure if it completely burnt up, or we just lost site of it because it went off too far in the distance.
23MAY2013 jody ruszkowski east of prince albert saskatchewan 2245 central 10-15 seconds heading north north east right to left bright yellow as bright as the moon appeared to be breaking up was very large and bright but dimmed as it was breaking apart
23MAY2013 Cath Ollenberg Hudson bay Saskatchewan, Canada 23 10-15 Secs SW to NE Bright white front with red tail Same as moon yes, splintered 3 times then faded no photo.
23MAY2013 Gary Kreklewich Melville, Saskatchwan, Canada 22:45 Saskatchewan time zone About 20 seconds Southwest to Northeast like a comet, glowing very bright at times Very bright at times, fireball in the sky Saw a few parts break off towards the end creating smaller fireballs Wish I had a camera at the time.
23MAY2013 Diane Rourke Minto Mb Canada 11:53 pm central standard time 15 seconds travelled west to north east, I was facing north Red fireball, followed by very bright light Very bright and colorful not that I could see It was amazing, bright, spellbinding
MBIQ Data Set-
Kamsack, Saskatchewan arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Queensland, Australia Meteor 23MAY2013" by searching for meteor may 23 2013.
14:32:31 -- 51 minutes ago
Portage La Prairie, Manitoba arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Queensland, Australia Meteor 23MAY2013" by searching for meteor on may 23 2013.
14:57:01 -- 26 minutes ago
Kamsack, Saskatchewan arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for red meteor in the sky may 2013.
15:09:44 -- 12 minutes ago
Winnipeg, Manitoba arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23MAY2013" by searching for ijust saw a meteor may 23 2013.
15:12:04 -- 10 minutes ago
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
![]() |
"click on image to enlarge" Saskatchewan / Manitoba Canada Meteor 23MAY2013 v.1 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth |
Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum. http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
23MAY2013 John Rochester Hills, MI, USA 23:25EST About 8 seconds United States Large white streak headed in southbound direction from where I was standing. Bright white with a long tail, too large/close to be a shooting star. About the same as moon, perhaps a little brighter. Not that I could tell - just a long tail. Had a long tail, hung in the sky for about 8 seconds before disappearing from my vantage point.
23MAY2013 Diane Rourke Boissevain mb 11:53 pm central 15 sec From west to north east Res fireball with yellowish white bright light Very bright Not visibly Bright, lasted a long time, amazing
23MAY2013 Charity Woods Grandview,Manitoba, Canada 23:50:00 Im not sure at least 20 seconds i lost site of it becuse of trees in the way appeared to be going west to east I was facing west white. no sound looked like a huge ball of fire I thought a plane was going down brighter then the moon, it is a full moon tonight yes no photo, it looked huge, and amazing
23MAY2013 CK Yorkton,Saskatchewan Canada 2250hrs 30 sec. in clear sky WOW SW to NE travel Orange with long tail bright and large best meteor we've ever seen! very bright orange fire ball yes sparks from tail Best ever stellar event!
23MAY2013 Christi Fallows and Cameron Morrison NE of Yorkton, SK, Canada 22:51 central standard approx 10 to 15 seconds Facing N, travelled from west to east...compared to a clock face it would have started at 10 and ended at 3 bright red/orange glow, circle shaped in the front,with a long orange tail with a smokey looking trail behind it, no sound heard bright as a harvest moon couldn't tell no photo, seemed to disappear behind the clouds but was still visible, waited outside for a couple minutes but didn't hear or see anything else
23MAY2013 Carrie T Wadena, SK 22:50 central approximately 10 seconds. We were facing east in the sky. The meteor flew NE in the sky, right to left. No sound, however bright orange tail. As it seemed to get closer in the sky, I could actually see it break and flare up again as it got lower into the atmosphere. As bright as an orange flame in the sky. Yes, definitely a fair size chunk broke off. Almost looked like something was burning in the sky but wasn't moving as fast as other meteors you normally see off in the distance. Was very bright orange and left a fairly long tail behind it. Broke off a bit and continued on north east. Not sure if it completely burnt up, or we just lost site of it because it went off too far in the distance.
23MAY2013 jody ruszkowski east of prince albert saskatchewan 2245 central 10-15 seconds heading north north east right to left bright yellow as bright as the moon appeared to be breaking up was very large and bright but dimmed as it was breaking apart
23MAY2013 Cath Ollenberg Hudson bay Saskatchewan, Canada 23 10-15 Secs SW to NE Bright white front with red tail Same as moon yes, splintered 3 times then faded no photo.
23MAY2013 Gary Kreklewich Melville, Saskatchwan, Canada 22:45 Saskatchewan time zone About 20 seconds Southwest to Northeast like a comet, glowing very bright at times Very bright at times, fireball in the sky Saw a few parts break off towards the end creating smaller fireballs Wish I had a camera at the time.
23MAY2013 Diane Rourke Minto Mb Canada 11:53 pm central standard time 15 seconds travelled west to north east, I was facing north Red fireball, followed by very bright light Very bright and colorful not that I could see It was amazing, bright, spellbinding
MBIQ Data Set-
Kamsack, Saskatchewan arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Queensland, Australia Meteor 23MAY2013" by searching for meteor may 23 2013.
14:32:31 -- 51 minutes ago
Portage La Prairie, Manitoba arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Queensland, Australia Meteor 23MAY2013" by searching for meteor on may 23 2013.
14:57:01 -- 26 minutes ago
Kamsack, Saskatchewan arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for red meteor in the sky may 2013.
15:09:44 -- 12 minutes ago
Winnipeg, Manitoba arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23MAY2013" by searching for ijust saw a meteor may 23 2013.
15:12:04 -- 10 minutes ago
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
21 May 2013
MBIQ Detects Alberta NWT Canada Meteor 21MAY2013
MBIQ Detects Alberta NWT Canada Meteor 21MAY2013
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.
Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum. http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/
MBIQ Data Sample-
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sightings today.
12:35:34 -- 16 minutes ago
Calgary, Alberta arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching forMAY 21 2013, CALGARY SW, STRANGE LIGHT ON THE SKY.
12:30:16 -- 21 minutes ago
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.
Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum. http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/
MBIQ Data Sample-
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sightings today.
12:35:34 -- 16 minutes ago
Calgary, Alberta arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching forMAY 21 2013, CALGARY SW, STRANGE LIGHT ON THE SKY.
12:30:16 -- 21 minutes ago
18 May 2013
MBIQ Detects Possible Meteorite Fall in La Paz, Mexico 18MAY2013
MBIQ Detects Possible Meteorite Fall in La Paz, Mexico 18MAY2013
Anyone who saw this possible meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this website; thank you.
I have just been made aware of a news story about this possible meteor event in La Paz, Mexico; thanks to Dr. Marcelo Souza in Brasil
Possible meteorite fall in La Paz
Anyone who saw this possible meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this website; thank you.
I have just been made aware of a news story about this possible meteor event in La Paz, Mexico; thanks to Dr. Marcelo Souza in Brasil
Possible meteorite fall in La Paz
Colectivo Pericú 18MAY2013
La Paz, B.C.S.- Insistentes llamadas que se están recibiendo en los servicios de emergencia señalan que un meteorito ha caído en las cercanías de la ciudad capital, lo que originó una fuerte explosión cuya onda expansiva cimbró todas las viviendas de la zona sur. ...
La Paz, BCS-insistent calls being received in the emergency services indicate that a meteorite fell in the vicinity of the capital city, which caused a loud explosion which rocked blast all homes in the south. ...
MBIQ Sample Data-
Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico arrived from google.com.mx on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Lisa on a sailboat in Marina La Paz, Mexico saw two meteors 18/19OCT2011" by searching for meteor lapaz.
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
La Paz, B.C.S.- Insistentes llamadas que se están recibiendo en los servicios de emergencia señalan que un meteorito ha caído en las cercanías de la ciudad capital, lo que originó una fuerte explosión cuya onda expansiva cimbró todas las viviendas de la zona sur. ...
La Paz, BCS-insistent calls being received in the emergency services indicate that a meteorite fell in the vicinity of the capital city, which caused a loud explosion which rocked blast all homes in the south. ...
MBIQ Sample Data-
Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico arrived from google.com.mx on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Lisa on a sailboat in Marina La Paz, Mexico saw two meteors 18/19OCT2011" by searching for meteor lapaz.
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
13 May 2013
MBIQ Detects Nagoya, Japan Meteor 13MAY2013
MBIQ Detects Nagoya, Japan Meteor 13MAY2013
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.
Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum. http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/
MBIQ Data Set-
Nagoya, Aichi arrived from google.co.jp on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching formeteor japan may 13 2013.
23:40:16 -- 1 minute ago
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.
Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum. http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/
MBIQ Data Set-
Nagoya, Aichi arrived from google.co.jp on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching formeteor japan may 13 2013.
23:40:16 -- 1 minute ago
11 May 2013
MBIQ Detects Michigan Meteor 11MAY2013
MBIQ Detects Michigan, Ohio, Ontario Meteor approx. 21'28 EDT 11MAY2013
![]() |
"Click on image to enlarge" Michigan, Ohio, Ontario Meteor approx. 21'28 EDT 11MAY2013 v7 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth |
Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum. http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/
11MAY2013 Jason D Conway, MI - USA 21:40 EST no more than 3 seconds Northern Sky E-W green streak then flashed out brighter than the moon unknown it looked very close.
11MAY2013 Nick Mt. Pleasant MI 21:20:00 5 secs right to left...downward heading north..we were facing north east very bright white moon yes from the sides of it close to the head it was amazing hope someone finds it....and gains super powers or finds some anamantium
11MAY2013 Ernie Larson Montague, MI, USA 21:28:00 about 7 seconds. I was facing east and it was travaling from south to north. looked to be above oceana county A very large green fire ball that fell apart slowly It was very bright kinda like the moon but green. Yes there where some. It was the most amazing color and size ive ever seen and im 31. Ive seen a lot of meteor showers and such and nothing compairs to this not even on tv.
MBIQ Sampled Data Set-
Dearborn Heights, Michigan arrived from bing.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Ontario / Michigan Meteor 09FEB2013" by searching for meteor sighting michigan.
10:56:46 -- 35 minutes ago
Interlochen, Michigan arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for ball of green light in sky 5/11/2013 michigan interlochen.
11:02:56 -- 28 minutes ago
Boyne City, Michigan arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor over northern michigan.
11:14:32 -- 16 minutes ago
Oxford, Michigan arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching formeteor over ortonville tonight.11:19:09 -- 11 minutes ago
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
5 May 2013
MBIQ Detects Colorado / Wyoming Meteor 05MAY2013
MBIQ Detects Colorado / Wyoming Meteor approx 22'50 MDT 05MAY2013
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.
Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum. http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/
Initial Meteor Sighting Report-
05MAY2013 Kristen Fort Collins CO 2255 9 sec NE facing west Green/blue Moon Yes N/a
MBIQ Data Set-
Colorado Springs, Colorado arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Colorado / Wyoming Meteor 09FEB2013" by searching for colorado meteor.
14:06:30 -- 20 minutes ago
Cheyenne, Wyoming arrived from search.yahoo.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida Green Meteor Fireball 6OCT2011" by searching for falling star green tail.
14:06:34 -- 20 minutes ago
Colorado Springs, Colorado arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball colorado may 5th 2013.
14:24:58 -- 2 minutes ago
Fort Collins, Colorado arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Colorado / Wyoming Meteor 09FEB2013" by searching for meteor colorado.
14:37:29 -- 4 minutes ago
Colorado Springs, Colorado arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Colorado / Wyoming Meteor 09FEB2013" by searching for colorado meteor.
14:38:00 -- 4 minutes ago
Rock Springs, Wyoming arrived from bing.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Indicates Meteor Event Over South Dakota, North Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, Minnesota and Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Canada 23AUG2011" by searching for bright light over wyoming.
15:55:41 -- 11 minutes ago
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.
Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum. http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/
Initial Meteor Sighting Report-
05MAY2013 Kris Koski Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States 22:50 (MTN) 3 Facing West, siting started due west heading north Green Fireball Brighter than moon Yes Never seen anything like it. Looked big and travelling very fast.
05MAY2013 Kristen Fort Collins CO 2255 9 sec NE facing west Green/blue Moon Yes N/a
MBIQ Data Set-
Colorado Springs, Colorado arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Colorado / Wyoming Meteor 09FEB2013" by searching for colorado meteor.
14:06:30 -- 20 minutes ago
Cheyenne, Wyoming arrived from search.yahoo.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida Green Meteor Fireball 6OCT2011" by searching for falling star green tail.
14:06:34 -- 20 minutes ago
Colorado Springs, Colorado arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball colorado may 5th 2013.
14:24:58 -- 2 minutes ago
Fort Collins, Colorado arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Colorado / Wyoming Meteor 09FEB2013" by searching for meteor colorado.
14:37:29 -- 4 minutes ago
Colorado Springs, Colorado arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Colorado / Wyoming Meteor 09FEB2013" by searching for colorado meteor.
14:38:00 -- 4 minutes ago
Rock Springs, Wyoming arrived from bing.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Indicates Meteor Event Over South Dakota, North Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, Minnesota and Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Canada 23AUG2011" by searching for bright light over wyoming.
15:55:41 -- 11 minutes ago
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